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Gadsden, Ala. – Belinda Terrell Fuller, a nursing instructor at Gadsden State Community College, said she has always had a great passion for nursing. 正是这种热情吸引了她的同龄人的注意,并为她赢得了ATI护理教育的护士接触奖, 为护理专业学生提供在线学习课程的领先供应商.

四位获奖者被授予荣誉,富勒是唯一一个来自南方的人,也是唯一一个在综合性社区大学任教的人. Other winners include Gary Beck from Northern Career Institute in Ohio; Dawn DePriest from Washington State University; and Paula Kustenbauder from Pennsylvania State University. Winners received complimentary registration, 参加上个月在圣安东尼奥举行的全国护士教育者峰会.

“当我发现我赢了的时候,我真的不敢相信,”富勒说. “It was such a shock. I’m quite humbled.”

According to a press release announcing the award, 获得“护士接触奖”的个人不仅要擅长教授学生成为安全称职的护士所需的技术知识和技能, but they also must set the example for students. Winners were chosen by nomination based on their leadership, professional communication, wellness/self-care and knowledge of nursing technology.

该奖项授予了最优秀的护理教育工作者和大学教授,” said Dr. 网上赌博网站十大排行护理项目主任辛西娅·穆利纳克斯说. “We are beyond proud of Belinda.”

Fuller always had a desire to be a nurse. 当她还是阿尔贝维尔一名16岁的高中生时, she participated in mandatory career counseling.

“我告诉我的指导顾问,我想去阿拉巴马大学成为一名护士,” she said. “她不是刻薄,但她笑了,因为她知道我缺乏资源. She knew a four-year university wasn’t in the cards for me. I was very naïve. I never really thought about finances until that moment.”

富勒探索了更多负担得起的大学,并研究了经济援助和奖学金机会. 她有资格获得佩尔助学金,并于1975年进入网上赌博网站十大排行. 为了维持生计,她在一家医院做技术员,同时还要完成完整的课程安排.

“我一直是社区大学的支持者,”她说. “如果没有社区大学,我就没有受教育的机会.”

在1977年完成她的注册护理要求后, she enrolled at Jacksonville State University, 1980年,她在那里获得了护理学学士学位.

During her 46-year career, she has worked in coronary care, 心脏康复和一般内科和外科护理. 她还担任过病人教育家和分娩教育家. She said she truly believes nursing is a calling.

“Through the decades, 我抱过婴儿第一次呼吸的时候,也抱过太多人最后一次呼吸的时候,” she said. “It’s such a privilege to be with patients and families when they are the most vulnerable; to know you have made a difference in their lives, even if it’s just comforting them at the end. Nursing has to be calling. 如果你感觉不到召唤,你永远不会在这个职业中感到快乐.”

In 1996, 富勒在2001年转为全职工作之前,在网上赌博网站十大排行担任兼职护理讲师. She now works as an instructor with Bridget Rogers, coordinator, 在网上赌博网站十大排行山谷街校区的执业护理项目.

“我认为对我们来说,有一个当地的LPN项目是非常重要的,因为我们正处于最严重的护士短缺时期,” she said. “我们正在努力填补当地医院的职位空缺, extended care facilities, clinics and medical offices. Through our program at Gadsden State, 学生可以在三个学期内完成培训,然后直接去工作.”

富勒说,网上赌博网站十大排行的毕业生都成为了了不起的护士, medical researchers, nurse practitioners and doctors.

她说:“我最大的快乐之一就是当学生毕业时,我听到他们成功了。. “They accomplish so much; much greater things than I ever have. 当他们说我们是如何在他们完成我们的课程后将他们培养成护士时,我感到很惭愧. They tell me how much Gadsden State means to them.”


“It is so special when they tell me how competent, 我们的一个护理毕业生对他们来说是善良和富有同情心的,” she said. “我认为这直接反映了个人在网上赌博网站十大排行接受的优质教育.”

难怪优秀的老师能培养出优秀的专业人士. 穆里纳克斯说,富勒一直是最优秀的“专业护士”.”

她说:“贝琳达把病人放在第一位,教学生如何成为他们的拥护者。. “她始终保持着专业的外表和专业的举止, especially with students. 多年来,她一直在我们的护理项目中教授专业精神的概念. She is one of our hardest-working clinical instructors. 她是这些刚进入这个行业的学生的榜样,并与他们一起做了很多指导. 她是一位了不起的老师,她在课堂上结合了多种主动学习策略.”

关于网上赌博网站十大排行护理项目的更多信息可以在 传统和流动注册护理课程的申请截止日期为5月19日. 2024年春季实习护理课程的申请将于8月9日开始. 1.

Belinda Terrell Fuller, nursing instructor at Gadsden State Community College, is pictured with the Nurse’s Touch Award. 今年4月,她在圣安东尼奥举行的全国护士教育峰会上获得了这一荣誉.

Belinda Terrell Fuller, nursing instructor at Gadsden State Community College, is pictured with the Nurse’s Touch Award. 今年4月,她在圣安东尼奥举行的全国护士教育峰会上获得了这一荣誉.